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Alaska Ferry Reservations

Traveling to Alaska by Ferry!


Making a reservation for the Alaska Ferry can be confusing and intimidating.

That is why we added this booking service to Deb's Webs. Instead of a comission percentage as most agents will charge, we offer a flat rate booking fee of just $79.00 to set your reservation up for you. After we complete your reservation, you maintain full control for any changes or updates you may need to make.

Your confidence and satisfaction is important to us. Call us and chat. We look forward to meeting with you over the phone.  Hours are 8:00AM to Noon daily.   Phone: 360-547-2040  On Sundays please leave a message and we will return your call.

For more details on the Alaska Ferry visit our website at

We assist Alaska Dreamers all over the world with Alaska Ferry reservations!

We are an Independent Alaska Ferry Booking Agent